I've had a pretty gooood few days
I'm finally almost happy with my itunes so that's good ! Just a few more covers to find and I will be the happiest bunny ever. My parents decided it was finally time to get me an ipod so thankyou ! that's all nicely filled up and gathering scratches on it's lovely mirrored back. Why did they make it so fragile that even my fingernails leave a scratch... Nevermind i still love it, it was definately necessary. And i nicked back my old speaker system and i've hooked it up round my room, got the surround sound speakers and the big sub woofer under my bed, and the little jack to whack into my ipod, sounds crazy but it's ideal.
ummm, ben my loe told me the other day that he's gonna venture up into the north and see me a few days, we are still mourning the loss of becca on big brother, so i will endeavour to make a collection of videos of her and luke for us to watch when he comes up cause all i was really planning on doing was sitting watching big brother most of the time. I really do miss her, poor luke :')
the other night i got to see chaos days aswell, i was so happy, haven't seen them in nearly a year, they sound a whole bunch different and they only got to play 5, maybe 6 songs, but i still loved life and it's their release show (in the north :D) in just over a week (also when ben should hopefully be here YESSSS)
i like chaos days.
so yeah that made me a very happy girl
and i cant remmeber if i mentioned seeing h2o the other week so i'll do it (again maybe) now
seeing h2o was amazing, i haven't seen them in like 3 years when they were in europe, so i was siked, wasn't so happy about the choice of songs they played, didn't play any of my favourites and none of the good oldies. The place was full of crusty punks and was pretty scared, but nevermind i still absolutely loved it. a shame i have no money right now cause i definately wanted to see them again, lets just hope it isn't another 6/7 years before they come back to the UK
aaaanyway, back to chaos days, even tho it was only in leeds i thought it might be easier to drive in as the train really wasnt doing it for me in this blistering heat, and the car has air con. I also wanted to try out the i Trip thing or whatever it's called, i was a little dissapointed as it was pretty crackly, but it let me listen to decent stuff on the way there and back so nevermind !
so this proved to be a bad choice for a number of reasons, parking and price. parking was a nightmare.
this picture is all i need to show really i guess haha ( i felt like a right doyle taking it)
some nice big dents and scrapes to the bone.
this happened a while ago, but nevermind while i was in the car i thought i'd document haha
some mercedes decided to barge into me and i thought ah well never midn and kept driving then i saw them charging up the road behind me in their car as they'd decided to come and blame it on me. 10 minutes of him shouting and me being worried later he finds out that theres nothign wrong with his mirror and that mines smashed so he decides to bugger off leaving me to try nd fix the mirror and the body work behind it.
ummm so parking at that show wasn't fun and i gues i'll have to bugger off to halfords at some point before the rust sets in.
also at the show was ryan, what a pest. that's all i need to say ha.
there was a bunch i wanted to say i think, but theres a cooking comptetition show on so i'm pretty distracted and it's blanked my head.
so hopefully i will ahve remmeebred TONIGHT when i promise myself i will do my first set of uploads maybe ?
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