Thursday, 28 August 2008


so i'm here, was up for like nearly 30 hours yesterday so its like 3pm now and only just properly getting out of bed
yesterday was cool, went over to new brunswick for ice creams and to be shouted at by some crazy lady tellingus not to park so close to her car
it is SO warm here and they were saying it was a cold day, im pretty scared about me melting or something

Tuesday, 26 August 2008


packing packing packing packing

Sunday, 24 August 2008


i had a really good one, was at jonathans from around 4 on friday
we had a great weekend toether, but it didn't exactly end as amazingly as i'd hoped, we're still apart and it sucks cause we were so good this weekend.
part of me is thinking twice about going away, i really want to sort things out with jonathan before jetting off for 10 days and i catn really afford to go up for another night even though i would LOVE to see him before i go.
oh and work this morning was shit.

Wednesday, 20 August 2008


ok so i am once again boyfriendless, poor jonathan is hating everything right now as he didn't get into the raf
but once he's happier with his life hopefully we can straighten us out again
but until then i will probably be hating life

Thursday, 14 August 2008

i hate this town

i need to get outttt
got my AS level results today, proving to me that i wasted the last year at college
i'll probably go into it later, but for now im watching desperate housewives, so i'm relatively happy

Wednesday, 13 August 2008

mousey 2

measured him, he's coming up to 3cm long
my friend said a trap caught its mum (they reckon) oh and not a killing trap one where you catch them and set them out free
so the mums gone and reckons there may be a few babies around, so we're gonna look for them tomorrow
i'm gonna look afer them until they're big enough then set them free or maybe give them away because i wont be able to look after them for long, especially if there's boys and girls, i'll end up with millions
i just sliced up some carrot and cucumber for him, he's loving it

my new little friend

in my friends kitchen, stuck in a mug was a tiny little mosuey, sucks cause that means that means she has hundreds of the little buggers probably
but its pretty cool cause i get to hang out with it for a while
but i have to let it go really, but i think its far too young to survive outside, its not much bigger then my thumb
but the little guy rules !

Monday, 11 August 2008

this weekend

spent it at jonathans, unfortunately not for the right reasons, having a shitty time at the moment and i really do need out of this house/town.
i love harrogate to bits but most of the people here can suck it
i did have a nice weekend with jonathan tho, no surprises there tho. he went out on the satruday night so when i went and got him at 4am i got to witness him drunk for the first time, pretty funny experience, but he says he's not ding it anymore so thats cool. i probably prefer sober jonathan anyway, but drunk one did have some funny stuff to say.
on the way home i took the wrong junction off the motorway, oops.
and i didnt get to sleep till 3 maybe because i stayed at his watching knocked up until silly o clock
but this morning i actually had to wake up, first morning at my new job, got 3 days of training
and after day 1 i am bored and knackred
i just wanna get stuck straight in, not watching dvd after dvd promoting the company and having tour after tour of the shop i have been going to since i was a baby
and just 2 more days of this
then get my results on thursday morning and then rush off to have my till training 10.30-6.30 what a nightmare
first proper shift on sunday morning, should be good hopefully
thats all i have to say.

Thursday, 7 August 2008


alxhntrx (22:25:11): LOEY
smallxtash (22:25:51): All time loe
alxhntrx (22:26:01): the kittens are ruining my life
alxhntrx (22:26:02): /stuff
smallxtash (22:26:24): Hahahaha
alxhntrx (22:26:25): theyve sat n the box on the tv and made it all fall off like 6 times now an dstill havent learny
alxhntrx (22:26:26): t
alxhntrx (22:26:29): learnyt
smallxtash (22:26:35): Hahahahaha
smallxtash (22:26:47): Oh dearrr
alxhntrx (22:26:49): and one got stuck in the blinds a while ago
alxhntrx (22:26:53): so now theyre broken
alxhntrx (22:27:02): and i wake up with the sun tanning my bottom every morning
alxhntrx (22:27:14): if only i slept on my back id get tanned boobies too
smallxtash (22:27:32): HAHAHA
smallxtash (22:27:46): Do you slep
smallxtash (22:27:51): Oops
alxhntrx (22:27:53): most nights yes
alxhntrx (22:28:00): like mot over people
alxhntrx (22:28:04): OH MY GOD
smallxtash (22:28:14): Do you sleep naked
alxhntrx (22:28:20): sometimes !
alxhntrx (22:28:25): always if its warm
smallxtash (22:28:32): It's hard to type on here
alxhntrx (22:28:40): yeah well im on a regular keyboard
alxhntrx (22:28:45): and i said over instead of other
alxhntrx (22:28:51): im typing like i talk now
alxhntrx (22:28:52): terribly
smallxtash (22:29:01): Oh loe
alxhntrx (22:29:13): ill be typing free instead of three soon
smallxtash (22:29:20): You are just awesome
alxhntrx (22:29:36): the kittens are stealing every tie in exsiatnce in this house
alxhntrx (22:29:51): they borugt one back from wherever they hide them today tho
smallxtash (22:29:58): Every tie?
alxhntrx (22:30:00): yep
alxhntrx (22:30:05): like what goes round your neck
smallxtash (22:30:07): Hahahaha
smallxtash (22:30:35): sounds like they're doing it on purpose
alxhntrx (22:30:42): they are !
alxhntrx (22:30:45): they go on tie hunts
alxhntrx (22:30:49): and rubber bands sometimes too
alxhntrx (22:31:00): but luckily they brought one out from hiding this morning for my dad to wear
smallxtash (22:31:06): Maybe making an escape ladder or somethng
alxhntrx (22:31:06): he said he just found it laying around on the stairs
smallxtash (22:31:15): Hahahaha
alxhntrx (22:31:18): he says they matched it to his shirt pretty well
alxhntrx (22:31:21): stylish kitties
alxhntrx (22:31:27): they chose the right tie
smallxtash (22:31:43): Incredible

alxhntrx (22:51:30): HAHAHA SHALL I GET A FORD MUSTANG
smallxtash (22:52:08): YES
smallxtash (22:57:02): Vroom vroom
alxhntrx (22:57:35): i have a feeling the insurance will be through the roof
alxhntrx (22:57:39): they wont even quote me
smallxtash (22:58:06): Haha I think it's height discrimination
alxhntrx (22:58:32): you should see the pictures of it
alxhntrx (22:58:33): so pretty
alxhntrx (22:59:03): i woldnt know what to do with myself
alxhntrx (22:59:07): so disorientating
smallxtash (22:59:10): Haha oh dear!
alxhntrx (22:59:25): it has sat nav fitted tho
smallxtash (22:59:45): Wowza!
alxhntrx (22:59:49): its an 07
alxhntrx (23:00:12): it has such a pretty bottom
smallxtash (23:01:22): How much is it?
alxhntrx (23:01:45): 2,300 i think
alxhntrx (23:01:48): i dunno why its so cheap
alxhntrx (23:01:52): has a fair few miles
alxhntrx (23:01:53): but
alxhntrx (23:01:55): its new
alxhntrx (23:02:04): and has a fancy cd player and sat nav
alxhntrx (23:02:16): i reckon its cause it probably eats fuel and ause its left hand drive
smallxtash (23:02:21): Whaaaat that's still alot of money loe!
alxhntrx (23:02:34): cheap compared to what i was looking at haha
smallxtash (23:02:46): I know it's got a bunch of stuff though
alxhntrx (23:03:07): i just had to do like 7 verification codes to send you a fucking message
alxhntrx (23:03:34): cause i like to send you about 4 messages a day via myspace to tell you how im feeling by the looks of my outvox hahaha
smallxtash (23:04:29): Hahaha
alxhntrx (23:05:33): NO NO NO NO POS JUIST FARTED AT ME
smallxtash (23:06:02): HAHA
alxhntrx (23:06:10): actually the worst thing in my life
alxhntrx (23:06:12): is cat farts
alxhntrx (23:28:14): my desktop background is amayyyzing
smallxtash (23:28:37): What is it?
alxhntrx (23:28:45): a picture of xzibit
alxhntrx (23:28:49): and it says
smallxtash (23:28:59): Ahaahaha
alxhntrx (23:29:09): yo dawg i heard you like car so we put a car in yo car so you can drive while you drive
alxhntrx (23:29:13): I LOVE HIM
smallxtash (23:29:26): hahahaha
alxhntrx (23:29:32): with pimp my ride the uk one reminds me of you and the us one reminds me of my boyfriend
alxhntrx (23:29:43): cause westwood reminds me of you
alxhntrx (23:29:50): and x to tha zee reminds me of jonathan lal
alxhntrx (23:30:01): just cause he prbabaly wishes he was xzibit
alxhntrx (23:30:14): and i reckon you are cause of the picure where you look like the suicidal tendencies guy
alxhntrx (23:30:24): cause westwood dresses like that quit e alot
alxhntrx (23:33:40): im gonna start working out how cool am i

pretty much all i have to say for today
ben is the only thing that talks to me ever
favourite friend ever and he puts up wiht my typing :)
the kitties are the main subject of everything on here i guess

so yes, tomorrow i will start working out so when i get up i will put on my running shoes and go for a jog, probably like 20-30 minutes for now, i have planned my route with google maps and hopefully its a route were as little people as possible will see me
then after much trawling round the internet i will do excerises to "get the perfect butt" get "female abs" (yuck, i wont go that far, but i will tone up) and probably some work on the legs
oh and some chest stuff to keep the boobies pert
found a bunch of excersises to do and video of workouts and everything !
i spent today pampering myself, trying ll the crazy make up my gran keeps sending me (probably as a hint to wear more) and giving myself a manicure as i have LOVELY nails right now, i love them.
so tomorrow i will pay for it.
i LOVE healthy food too.

music will start soon i promise, im just too lazy and busy doing nothing right now !

oh and i have a job ! yay
i probably posted this yesterday but i cant remmeber at all, i probably didnt post yesterday at all
tuesday and thursday 4.30-8.30 and sunday 10-2 so i have the weekend to go to jonathans and i'll have to leave on sunday morning when he goes to football and i can still ahve a bunch of nights to see him on too so im happy with that
and on monday tuesday and wednesday i have training 9-4.30 and i will be getting payed for that so thats over £100 for the training ideal !
it will probably ALL get spent on JP
no care, i love it

Wednesday, 6 August 2008


oh and since the 30th me and jonathan have been back together so on the whole i am a happy girrrrrrrrrrl


just a quick update
been at jonathans since thursday hence the lack of them recently
best boy.

heres the kittens

sorry for the lack of anything proper, prmoise soon