spent it at jonathans, unfortunately not for the right reasons, having a shitty time at the moment and i really do need out of this house/town.
i love harrogate to bits but most of the people here can suck it
i did have a nice weekend with jonathan tho, no surprises there tho. he went out on the satruday night so when i went and got him at 4am i got to witness him drunk for the first time, pretty funny experience, but he says he's not ding it anymore so thats cool. i probably prefer sober jonathan anyway, but drunk one did have some funny stuff to say.
on the way home i took the wrong junction off the motorway, oops.
and i didnt get to sleep till 3 maybe because i stayed at his watching knocked up until silly o clock
but this morning i actually had to wake up, first morning at my new job, got 3 days of training
and after day 1 i am bored and knackred
i just wanna get stuck straight in, not watching dvd after dvd promoting the company and having tour after tour of the shop i have been going to since i was a baby
and just 2 more days of this
then get my results on thursday morning and then rush off to have my till training 10.30-6.30 what a nightmare
first proper shift on sunday morning, should be good hopefully
thats all i have to say.
7 months ago
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