i felt so good/shitty all morning
good because this dream was amazing and shitty because i can't completely remember it and there's no way i can describe it in a way to even remotely do it justice, i guess i could try drawing what i saw, it was beautiful
lets try.
started out in a hallway with some kid, she was chilling in the doorway to a bigish room leading onto another big room (which i think was her families apartment, and i have the feeling i thought i was staying there now i think about it, i guess the room/layout of the hallway might have something to do with the hostel i'll be staying in in london), guess she kinda knew me, seeing as i'd be sleeping in a big bed with the females in her family in one of the rooms. so she was chilling, on a laptop, or with a small electronic toy, and i guess i got bored of sitting with her, especially after some guy in an apartment across the hall beckoned me over, part of me wants to think this was ben levy, cause i'm sure he appeared in this dream somewhere and what i can remember leads me to believe this was him here.
so i tell the kid i'll be right back cause the guy was telling me to check out the view from his balcony, the kid starts to kinda get worried asking me to promise her not to sleep with him (wtf, i know right) so i promised this stranger that i wouldn't get with some other stranger, because i know i was definitely not planning to, i just wanted to see out the window, the little girl was starting to creep me out.
so i go through his apartment, which from what i remember was a room with a single bed, next to a balcony door, so i go straight across to the balcony, from what i remember of the room it was daytime but everything else in the dream happens at night. i kinda remember some guy sat on the floor propping himself up against the bed, doing something geeky i.e PlayStation/xbox/laptop.
So, i'm out on the balcony now and i guess it leads onto the top of some nice big garden and i'm looking down onto the most beautiful (small) cityscape in the dark, big lights everything, it was beautiful i can't even describe, this sounds creepy but no care it was one of the nicest things ive ever seen, especially as there was the most amazing colours/stars in the sky.
So i'm chilling out looking into the lights in the town/city, and in between a few of the standard lights there's a few las vegas esque lights, big wild coloured ones pointing at MASSIVE things, looking all pretty etc.
i tried taking photos on my phone, cause i knew for a fact i didnt have my camera (which i guess is also because i've told myself i'm not taking my camera to london with me) so i'm getting very frustrated cause my phone is refusing to take photos of the most beautiful thing i've ever seen in my life. and for some reason now theres a bunch of other people seemingly getting beautiful shots of it, never mind.
i have a wander across to the left of the garden and i notice round the side of the house looks exactly like my view to my neighbours house, but a really really nice version of it that doesnt have a back wall, its just flat land going forever. they have a baby, and for some reason they hang their babygro's on some amazingly shaped cactus sat there in the garden, instead of the washing line. whatever, it was another beautiful thing, i dunno what it was, nothing special, i just think it was lit beautifully, there was something special about it.
so by now i'm on my own, wondering if those knobheads across the garden have got good photos, oh and i managed to get my phone to take a picture of the cactus bit. so i start walking over to where the garden turns into the balcony and i'm starting to worry about ben, especially seeing as all the people have gone.
next thing i know the garden is a kinda ski slope, i have no idea.
i have another look at the amazing view and i look down and stumble upon my camera, im like OH SHIT YES but the lens has been taken off and it on the floor next to it, shame its my 70-300mm lens so when i'm trying to get a photo it's just not working or focusing or fitting the whole thing into the image, so i give up on that again, being very frustrated it wasn't my 10-20. (which i don't really get, cause the city seemed so far away i think the 10-20 def wouldn't have been right)
i guess i decided to try get to the city by going down the big ski slope, camera in hand, i dont think i was skiing, just generally chilling down this hill, when i end up sliding down the hill next to a skier, i guess my camera had miraculously changed lens as i managed to get some amazing shots of him as we were going down the slope. fuck knows.
then i think some more stuff happened, i got back to the apartment or something.
but cielo came and knocked on my door and i woke up, probably with dribble on my pillow
i can't remember, it was good.
7 months ago
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